Thursday, September 13, 2012

Report about RTEDU

About RTE
A Two day National conference was organized by Department of Education, St. Aloysius’ College (Autonomous) Jabalpur l (MP)  on Right to Education: Challenges and Opportunities at College Campus, on 31st August 2012 to 1st September 2012, where most of NGO’s,  &  representatives  of  Central Government,   State government,&  Local authority,  School, have participated. SVCT was also invited  in this conference. About 400 to 500 participants are attended.
 I thought RTE play a great role to the society. The trip to the Jabalpur reaffirms me the importance of RTE. There so many NGO that has different purpose and also so many people who belong in different social position. For example, one of the NGO presented the inequality of education between rural and urban area. According to the their story, a student lives in urban area can often get better education than rural one so they claimed we should correct the distortion to give the same level of the education that can get in the urban area. But in the RTE, we can cooperate together and we can also make an effort toward one goal that corrects the inequality of right to the education. “Every child of the age of six to fourteen years shall have a right to free and compulsory education in a neighborhood school till completion of elementary education.” This shows the right of child to free and compulsory education. Parents and guardian have a responsibility to protect the right of child education but we also have the responsibility to protect it. Because we received the benefit from the society  so we should return the benefit to the society. I think education is the basis of society. Each people who received the education determine the society good or bad. So correcting the inequality of right to the education makes our future society. What is the future of society? How is the future of society like? Depend on us. Therefore, RTE is not Government‘s problem, is not Local authority or school, parents and guardian’s problem. It’s our problem. This is what I learned from the RTE.

 The work we’ve done
I along with Gaurav Passy represent SVCT participated in RTEDU-2012 in Jabalpur at St.Aloysius College on 31st Sep-1st Sep .The main purpose of this Conference is to discuss the global issues of Right to Education (RTE) and the enforcement of the act which provides a unique opportunity to mount a mission encompassing all the discourses to fulfill the goal of universal elementary education and to include quality education for all. Gaurav Passy made the presentation on Power Point. He spoke about how SVCT has playing a big role in RTEDU. SVCT gets standing ovation on this presentation. Then District Collector appreciated the work of SVCT during his speech. We handed out brochure about SVCT activities, Breast Cancer awareness literature and anti tobacco literature to the participants, as well as to l college students.  After the presentation, we visited class to class and talked about what is social work in front of them.  I share my experience with them about SVCT, how I came to know, SVCT work is really tremendous, they are helping convict kids is such a way that’s touched to my heart. My dream is fulfill to come to India to know how to help other & to do for other. I came to know this from Japan.


  About Jabalpur
Stayed in Jabalpur gave to me a great experience and it also gives me an opportunity to grow up. Jabalpur peoples are very friendly and really open-minded so I can blend into community soon.
They welcomed me kindly with big applause. That experience gave me a confidence that can speak in front of many people and gratitude of their kindness. It works like an obstacle between I and Jabalpur people. I would have communicated with Jabalpur people deeply. That’s experience gave me an important lesson to me. Jabalpur food was also nice. I could eat lots of tasty food. 

  On the way back from Jabalpur, a man in the train asked to me one question.

“Can you say you want to help poor people from bottom of your heart?”
Of course my answer is “Yes”. But to say the truth, it takes a few second to say the word “Yes”. Actually, I confused his question. “Contribute to poor people.” That’s one of the reason I came here but I took a few second to pull out my answer. I don’t know why it happened but I think it represented my immaturity for a social worker. I want to thank you for the man and I also realized I have to learn about what is social work, how is social work like. That’s also a big lesson to me.  

                                                           Yuh Konishi

SVCT, Mr. Passy, Gaurav Passy, Thank you for giving me such a great experience.  I really appreciate it from bottom of my heart.                 

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